VIME Innovation Studio Has Created MUSGO illuminated TRON Style Jacket - Luxestuff

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VIME Innovation Studio Has Created MUSGO illuminated TRON Style Jacket

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If you are walking through alone during the dark hours on a cycle or bike, you must alert because the roads are not visible clearly in darkness. 

Have you ever thought of carrying a light jacket? Sounds crazy, but what if I say it exists to believe it or not I have something interesting to share with you and that’s MUSGO illuminated TRON style jacket which amplified visible while you cycle or bike at night also providing a very cool?

The VIME Innovation Studio has created an illuminated TRON Style Jacket, which is based in Portugal. The features of the unique MUSGO cycling jacket include Safety Smart illumination for increased visibility, modernization, magnificent design and premium materials united to fit between wearable technology and provide incomparable performance.

The jacket is eco-friendly, low carbon footprint, as prepared out of recapitulating coconut shells. The prize of the MUSGO illuminated jacket is obtainable from $287 with global shipping likely to be available during December 2018.

Early bird sponsors can benefit from a 52 per-cent discount off the indorsed retail price during the mob funding expedition. The price will rise to $609. 

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